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Uncompressed FileSize
A513,7 Mbtiff
A426,6 Mbtiff
A350,4 Mbtiff
A260 Mb and abovetiff
Compressed FileSize
A51,9 Mbjpg
A43,5 Mbjpg

Averaged data for compressed filesize. Size of concrete JPEG file can differ from the averaged one.
Image Size
A4 and A5 Images.
The over-measure for making-up 4 mm from each side is provided. So actual image sizes for A4 and A5 formats are 8 mm greater than the corresponding demy paper. That is:
A5= 218x156,5 mm.,
A4= 305x218 mm.
А3= 428х305 mm. A3 Images are unscaled original scans. As scanned surface of the film varies, the size of scan may differ from the demy paper up to 5 mm. It is recommended to specify needed size and ask for graininess sample when ordering A3.
А2= 602 mm. and above at a longer side. As a rule panoramic views have A2.

Resolution of all images - 300 dpi.
Color Model - RGB.

Photos are taken with digital and 35 mm film cameras. Images are processed by hand. All mechanical defects of original are removed. Files are free from RGB-colors which are not reproductible during printing.
Compression of JPEG-files is performed with a factor of quality equal to 8. It does not lead to visual deterioration of images and is used by most of photoclipart producers. Such images are commonly used in publishing.
Special attention is paid to color and tone balance. Digital image keeps all color shades of original. To estimate the image grain the enlarged fragment of 35 mm film scan is shown below (marked by white).
« A4 Image. Fragment marked by white has size of 2x2 sm.
« Enlarged fragment.
Note: with resolution 300 dpi the real size of this fragment on the paper is just 2x2 sm. You see it 3,5 greater on your screen.

Image Prices
A5560 rur
A4840 rur
A3*1260 rur
A2*1820 rur
Prises are given in Russian Roubles.

* available off-line only. If you need A3 and A2 please ask for details on chozen file. Would be delivered in a hard copy. Shipping costs are not included.

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